twoeone forever
Date : Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Time : 8:24 PM
Title :

Hey guys! see when are you all free, we go kbox or play badminton or wadeva u wanna tgt kays? thx! comment loads~
I miss 2e1~!!!:D

Date : Thursday, December 17, 2009
Time : 6:51 PM
Title :

Hey guys!
Yes, as majority(only 4 actually:P) request, we'll organise a class outing! :D
It'll be held during this december holidays, nearing to the end of this year.
Maybe 28 or 29?
well, as for what we'll do for the class outing, we'll have you! yes YOU!
To give ideas on that:)
BBQ? day out at ECP? go WWWet? or blah blah blahs, use ur brains, think urselfs:)
Who ever wanna go just tag at the class tag box & LEAVE UR suggestions toos:D


Date : Friday, October 30, 2009
Time : 5:54 PM
Title : 2e1 Memories/Horny PhotoShoot :p

hehes!~ hellos! I'm really for the photoshoot~~
is this pose nice?
what now? why suddenly stop the photoshoot?
ohhs~ ps, u mean my *bra* dropped off?
WOW...O.O PhotoShoot is tiring!!~~
wait wait!!! let me think of a most Horny & Handsome pose first!
Shin Jung Sik X Tham Shi Xiang?? O.M.G >o<
heys! i'm back! Nice pose ehhs? thought for that for 1 hours u know?!
yes, new backdrop. at the classroom doors! [i really dun noe whr his touching wif his left hand:x]
hehes! SuperMan POSE~! the most -IN- one now!
(Front View :P) Yes, i'm naughty, i know :D
Mr POh over here! somehow....his face became lyk this...use ur imagination ppl! :X
Arghs~~~!!! *x* i'm shy larhs!!!
People say they shy le you still want take my photo~!
2 gays, opps, i mean Guys doing something on their seat? Wuus...Naughty :X
Heyos! yesyes. The Theme for this time's photoshoot is ( HORNY ) Memories PhotoShoot :P
Mr Lee Kuan Te (main model)
Mr Shin Jung Sik
Mr Tham Shi Xiang
Mr POh Eng Kiat
Claps everyone!!! ~~~~Claps Claps Claps~~~~~
Our main model is showcasing the newly made underwear set made & designed by MR SHIN JUNG SIK. [ somehow they manage to make it out of the old CNY decorations *x*]
Agree that Mr Lee Kuan Te is a very good model rights? *nod heads*
Special thanks:
to: mr lee kuan te
Thank him for being such a supportive model ^^ & for making such a [Big?] sacrifise for this time's photoshoot^^
to: the rest of the models
Thank you for making these Good & Horny memories for the last year of 2e1!
Thank you all!!!!!~~~

other photographers' works are not up yets, so look forward to it okays ppl?
Updated & GONE : Lihong

Date : Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Time : 2:38 PM
Title :

Heys everyone! :D
well, everyone should know that there's only 2 days left until 30 oct.
which is the last day of school for this year & most of us gonna be seperated next year as we will all be in different classes next year. this is quite sad rights everyone? So hope everyone could cherish the days we had left before we all go our seperate ways.
but we will still be 2e1nians~!~~ only that its, EX-2e1nians'09. *cries*
okays, dont know why so emotional.-.- NVM!
well, everyone must enjoy tomorow's farewell okays? it will be the last time we have a gathering as a class. so everyone must CHERISH it okays? & make many fond memories out of it. ^^

Signing off: Lihong

Date :
Time : 2:27 PM
Title :

Happy Birthday NG HAO YUAN!
yesyes, today is this special boy's birthday :P
Claps Claps Clap x3
hehes! enjoy your birthday & everyone can wish him a happy birthday ^^

Date : Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Time : 7:09 AM
Title : + inline skating.

20th Oct 2009

currently these are the photos that i have now as well as the previous post..
(+some arent to be placed here xD )
so sorry about th rest of th classmates @ diff group ! :X
Class Picture/ candids will be up soon once Mr Peh releases it : )

credits: germaine,

hope you guys learnt a new step or two , or learnt to rollerblade! * claps : )
rmb t bring extra clothes. plus ur undergaments-.-

xoxo, rachel.

Date :
Time : 5:28 AM
Title : Inline Skating!

Germaine here. Want to upload some photo's that we took during
today's program. I was looking thru a vid when I realise the instructor
is a pervert or something? Anyways, u'll get to see the footage later on.
I'm not uploading all the phto's thou. So girls, if ure want the pic,
tell me msn alrites! :D
* I have no idea what happen to the quality -.-"

Date : Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Time : 10:46 PM
Title : EOY! :)

GoodLuck 4 your End Of Year Examinations!
Remember all the teachers like;
Miss Dong, Miss Lye , Mrs Leong, Mdm Tan that inspires us to get into 3E1 next year .
Lets all go to the same class next year k. We can do it ok!

Jiayou!! :-) try your best! All the best too!


Date :
Time : 4:19 PM
Title :

Hey guys! yea, updates agains!
psps// yesterday i forgot about the chalet thing so i never post it ups.
okays guys, erm...our class might be having a chalet camp~ (or wadeva ue call that)
well, the guys will be organising & will have to stay overnight derhs.
well, its all happening after the exams during the holidays i guess? ahhas~
well, if ue wanna know more about it, ue can go ask eng kiat or weijian they all.


Date : Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Time : 4:20 PM
Title :

Heys Guys & Gals~
2e1 Class Tee:)
is back by popular demands~!!!
hahas, okays. well. one of us suggested that we get a class tee for this year, although it might be abit late :p
well, here's the details;

if you want a class tee: tag ur name at the class blog & write that you want class tee

erms..cause now we are only at the point of checking how many wanted the class tee, so the details about how much 1 will cost & the designs will be updated as soon as we know how many wants the class tee. well, we will only make the class tee if thr's 70% of the class wants it okays?
so if ue want, must tell liana, me or rachel okays?


Date : Saturday, September 26, 2009
Time : 8:09 PM
Title :

NACLI camp!

Guess this is the hottest topic in our class now ehs?

woots~ clearer image~

boys are always messy, *agrees*

guess who? Poh Eng Kiat & Tan Chun Weng!

K.T, Hao Yuan & that 'phone-face' is wei jian


Vito: "okays, i'ma gonna gorge myself!"

Chun Weng + Vito? omgosh..*hugging*

opps, too much GOOD FOOD..

*TWIST* (next time, just eat ur food kays?-.-)

Yes, our class's most Horny guy, mr BRUCE LEE
wonder how he got this nickname?
look at his head=.=
H for head, horns & horny :D

Date : Thursday, July 23, 2009
Time : 6:14 AM
Title :


vote for 2E1.

[click to enlarge:)]
Henderson Secondary School

  • calendar

  • 5th June- take report books at 73oam(onwards)
    19th June- Class outing to Escape Theme Park

    16th July- HSS got talent
    24th July- Resume of CCA

    Aug- Ca2
    29th Aug- bring 2$
    31th Aug- Be yourself day

    1th Sep- Teacher's Day

    30th Sep - 9th Oct- EOY examination2009!

    12th-13th Oct- marking days.

    19th -21stOct - Post-exam activities (cannoeing, in-line skating & dragon boating)


  • Felicia Wan
    Inez Celia
    Lee Hwa Mun
    Lily A
    Ng Li hong
    Liana Ong
    Tan Jia Hui
    Yin Xiao Han
    Wang Pei Qi
    Tan Jiao
    Andrew leong
    Carvin Choo
    Cheong Wei Jian
    Chua Zheng Kang
    Desmond Tan
    Hong Duy
    Kelvin Susanto
    Lee Kuan Te
    Liu jin
    Ng Hao yuan
    Poh Eng Kiat
    Randy Phua
    Shin Jung Sik
    Soh Wing Hong
    Tan Chun wen
    Tan Zhe Hao
    Tang Shi Xiang
    Teo Ting Wei
    Wei Da
    Yeo Yin Sheng

    Chairman- Andrew Leong
    Vice Chairman- Kuan Te
    Secretary- Li Hong
    Eng Rep- Desmond & kelvin
    Science Rep- Henny
    Geog Rep- Rachel/ Weida
    History Rep- Pei Qi
    Home Econs Rep- Vito/ JiaHui

    Subject Teachers
    English-Ms Melissa Quah/ Miss Lye Jee Lee
    Mathematics- Ms Dong
    Science- Mrs Leong Yum Hoon
    Geography- Miss Nisah/ Mr salleh
    History- Mrs Seah Eng Lam
    Home Econs- Miss Shirley Goh
    DnT- Mrs Lim
    Pe- Ms Yu

  • archives

  • May 2009
    June 2009
    July 2009
    September 2009
    October 2009
    December 2009
    March 2010

  • Affiliates

  • if u wanna b linked, pls leave a tag at the tagbox:D

  • Credits

  • Designed by { ★CRUSHthespeaker }
    Thankful to { blogskins l xox }
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